Saturday, February 21, 2009

Nine is Nonsense

Well today my baby boy turned nine. I truly can't believe that it was nine years ago that our little boy Ty entered this world. He has been such a joy and a pleasure to have in our family. We couldn't imagine our life without Ty. Ty we love you and want to wish you a very Happy Birthday!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Back on Track

Well the rain subsided for a few days, enough for the kids to get back to the track. They were so happy to get back to riding. We were happy to get back to the track as well. Our entire family goes through racing withdrawal when we miss a few weekends.

McKenna got first place last weekend in Napa, taking the lead over 4 boys.

Ty is doing great in the Intermediate class. He is riding with clips now and this has greatly improved his speed. He has managed to shave 10 seconds off his track time in just a few short weeks.

T-ball time

McKenna is starting a new adventure in her life. T-Ball!! She is so excited and is all decked out with a new pink glove, pink bat, pink bat bag, pink batting helmet and adorable pink and black cleats. Every baseball team needs to have a little pink in it don't you think. She is so excited and we can't wait to see what team she will be on.
She attended a t-ball clinic a few weeks ago, and is starting to learn the fundamentals. She is a great hitter and can throw a ball like nobodies business. Now we just need to work on the whole catching thing. That's a lot harder than you think.

Way to go Ty

So Ty had try outs a few weekends ago for little league. We decided to make the move and try out for minors this year. Well he did awesome, and got drafted. We are so proud of him, and the coaches were very impressed. I hit all of his balls and even managed to bunt the two balls that they asked. By the way, they never taught bunting in machine pitch, so Dad had the job of explaining it to Ty about 10 minutes before tryouts.
We got the phone call Wednesday night to let us know that Ty got drafted onto the minor team the Pirates. We even got the coach we wanted! We are so excited for baseball season to start. We will be posting pics, as soon as practice starts.