Sunday, November 16, 2008

One week later

So a week after we get back from Mexico, Ty gets this strange rash on both legs, his stomach and his arm. So I'm kinds freaking out, thinking is he getting the chicken pox or did he get some sort of virus while we were traveling? I wasn't sure so by Friday morning it wasn't getting any better so off we went to see the doctor. Upon first glance the doctor thought, that it might be chicken pox, but since he had been vaccinated, the chances were pretty slim, so the doc went off to research the possibility that the jellyfish sting and this rash were related. I had a revelation that morning about the fact that the rash was the worst on the knee that he got stung on. So after doing a little research the doctor concluded that this was most likely a reaction to the jellyfish sting and most likely NOT chicken pox. He advised us to keep him home from school for the day just in case it was chicken pox. So here are the pics of the lovely rash that followed the sting.

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